The Powermat 1000

Our Weinig Powermat 1000 is a key component in our machining operation. Using state of the art tooling and software technology, our ability to manufacture and supply machined sections to customers own specification
provides the perfect compliment to our existing range of high quality prepared stocks and mouldings.

The Powermat 1000 can produce a wide range of mouldings including: 

• Architraves

• Single purpose and reversible skirting boards

• Windowboards and window sections

• Hand rails, base rails, covings and cover strips

• PTG floorings

• Small beadings (Scotia, Quadrant, Parting Beads etc)

• PAR to special finish sizes or rounded/eased corners

The machine has been designed to run short to medium batches and provides a high quality machined finish. Product sizes range from a minimum of 8x25 to a maximum of 150x225.

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