Carbon Footprint

Carbon Footprint

"Calculations show that wood stores the equivalent of 800 kg of carbon dioxide per cubic meter of sawn timber. Carbon dioxide emissions in the life cycle, ie from planting to transportation to the average customer in Sweden, is also 35 kg.

The use of wood for construction and housing provides a lock-in effect of 765 kg carbon dioxide per cubic meter of sawn timber. "

Source: Setra's Sustainability Report

Climate Neutrality by 2030

Our overall climate goal is to be climate neutral by 2030. This goal applies to all areas of the value chain, with the exception of foreign transports. It means that the goal for our operations is to make a net zero climate impact overall.

We have cut our emissions in recent years through, for example, the purchase of renewable electric­ity, higher blends of renewable fuels in our machines, and getting our timber suppliers and freight carriers to reduce emissions in their value chains.

Setra’s emissions of greenhouse gases from its own business operations account for about 4 percent of the total emissions. Indirect emissions from pur­chased energy account for 0.1 percent and indirect emissions from other parts of the value chain for 96 percent.

Greenhouse Gas Emissions

Setra is working in several ways to reduce greenhouse gas emissions. One important area is to improve the efficiency of our transportations and shift to fossil free alternatives. We also work continuously to improve energy efficiency in our own operations.

Promoting the use of wood for construction is also an important contribution to the climate. Wood is the only renewable construction material, it has a significantly lower climate footprint than other materials and also stores carbon dioxide throughout its life cycle.

Reduced emissions from transport

Transport of timber and wood products account for the majority of our greenhouse gas emissions. Exploring and investing more in rail-based transport and engaging with transport operators to increase the share of renewables are important steps ahead.

Over the next few years, several track expansion projects at our units will be completed, enabling an increasing share of rail transport. Setra is in continuous dialogue with our most important carriers, among other things with the aim of developing cooperation in the climate area.

How we work on reducing emissions

  • Improve energy efficiency and maximizing availability – i.e. the time our sawmills and processing units run without interruption.
  • Replace diesel-powered forklifts and other machines with electric.
  • Increase the use of renewable fuels.
  • Enable train transport for both timber and finished products.
  • Take part in the development of renewable fuels, for example through an investment to produce bio-oil from sawdust.
  • Have a continuous dialogue with carriers on choice of fuels and how to make maximum use of the cargo space and minimise the distance travelled unladen.
  • Dialogue with the timber suppliers on how they work to reduce their emissions.
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