Our vision is to do business in a way that we and others – our clients, society and nature – can benefit from. This is what we call “Grönsamhet”.
It comes down to creating green value.

A sustainable business
Wood is a sustainable and environmentally friendly material. The backbone of Setra's business is the availability of renewable raw material from the forest, which in the long term places a high demand on responsible forestry.
Setra’s aim is for sustainability to be an integral part of everything we do. Our core values of commitment, innovation and responsibility are to serve as our guiding lights in making sustainable decisions and acting ethically in our everyday work.
Setra has four strategic objectives in the sustinability area:
- Good health and high safety – zero vision for workplace accidents and an interim target for 2025 to significantly reduce serious accidents. A 95 percent healthy attendance rate among employees.
- Climate-neutral operations by 2030 (excluding international transport) and on our way to fossil-free production.
- Increase the level of processing and value added to our products.
- Being an attractive employer that sustainably develops internal expertise.
In addition to this, each unit decides on local sustainability goals.
Setra's contribution to the global goals for sustainable development
The UN has adopted 17 global development goals, Agenda 2030, which aims to achieve a socially, environmentally and economically sustainable world by the year 2030. Setra supports UN's global goals and we actively work where we have the greatest impact and possibility to achieve the goals.
Our active work with Agenda 2030 is based on a relevance and materiality analysis. We have made a review of all 17 goals and 169 sub-goals to map the sub-goals that are most relevant to our business.
The work to achieve the global goals is well integrated with our vision and business strategy.