Setra's timber packages all come with a specification, containing important information about the product. On this specification you see an example and a description explaining the contents and certain abbreviations. So next time you receive a package of wood from Setra, you know exactly what it is!
Package Specification

Package Specification
The upper right corner tells you which of Setra's locations produced the timber. Setra Heby in this example.
1. Species: 1= Pine, 2 = Spruce
2-3. Thickness + width: Wood dimension
4. Saw type: Ex. 2/3/4/5 Amount of boards that were produced from this log.
SB = Side Board
5. Moisture: Moisture ratio
6. Quality: Wood quality
7. Volume: Package volume in kubic meters
8. Max length: Max length of package
9. KD stamp: Guarantee that the wood has been dried in >56 degrees C for at least 30 min
10. Package nbr: Serial number from sawmill
11. Length spec: Pieces per dm intervall
12. Date: Production date
Emballage: Type of cover and banding
Package type: Type of package. LP3 is the most common
Weight: Package weight
Pieces: Number of pieces in the package
Run meter: Run meters in total
Avg length: Average length
Stuage vol: Volume of a package with length 1.8/2.1/2.4 m
Stuage %: The percentage of 1.8/2.1/2.4 m length.